Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Photography success today

The hardest thing about Nanny Blooms is the photography.  I am not a good photographer, but with a little education and trial and error, I can learn.  Today there was much succes with taking some new pics and organizing some I already had of my blooms. 
I am busy making things for upcoming craft shows. 


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tickling our accessory fancy


Well, if you look at the accessories out for fall, you see FEATHERS.  Of course I had to add some feathers to my new blooms, as I prepare for fall craft fairs and such.  The top one was made specifically with the idea of wearing it on a coat this year. LOOK FOR POSTS  OF WHERE NANNY BLOOMS WILL BE THIS FALL OR CHECK MY CONTACT PAGE.
fushia wiht feathers FUN!!!!!!
turquiosie and magenta, with feathers and
beautiful button. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Litle Bloom shop update

This week I had the pleasure sharing blooms with some friends daughters.  They were so cute searching fot the blooms they wanted for themselves.  I am gettting excited about doing some craft fairs this fall and watching ladies decide which bloom is for them or their daughter.  I finally have some just hair clip blooms that are so cute.  I thought I had plenty made but already I see I need to make more before the shows get here.  The picture shows full, but after 2 shoppers it is no longer full.
I also have available special covered clips for itty bitty girls and head bands to clip them on for baby girls.  Below is a baby headband boxed in a special bloom box for a gift. 
All the parts of this little bloom business have been a fun and refreshing new thing to figure out. 
From packaging to display to making them, and finding resources for all of the above, I must say thank heavens for the internet and friends who are marketing savy.   
Looking forward to setting up Nanny Bloom shop at several fairs this fall.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nanny Blooms store

hair clips for all ages

Getting the ducks in a row is quite a task.  I wanted to set a mini store up (first time always takes longer), for some friends coming to bloom shop this morning.  It worked great.  I had fun experimenting and I need to make a list of what I need before I actually do a craft booth.  All in all it went well.  I have figured out packaging, displaying so check that off the list.  Here are a few fotos from my set up
baskets of blooms and display on belt, scarf necklacea and hats!